Kiss Me Jude  35:01 Minutes

Carl’s new neighbor drops by to meet him and they go into Carl’s study. Carl tells him about the neighborhood and how he has pool parties outside and how he might hear some wild things going on. He tells him that they are naked pool parties and that he also shoots straight and gay video. He asks if he might be interested in any of that. His neighbor, Steve, tells him that he would. Carl asks if Gay video or seeing Gay sex going on would bother him, and Steve tells him it wouldn’t. Carl asks if he had ever done anything bisexual, since Steve is married, and he said he had. Then, Carl puts the make on him and asks if he would enjoy getting sucked off and more. Steve goes for it. He and Carl suck each other’s cocks, and Carl fucks Steve. Steve cums in Carl’s mouth and Carl jacks off onto Steve’s cock and licks it off.